Hi friends,
Our newest listing, 701 Coronado Avenue sold for $10,000 more than list price and closed in just 10 days! We will get you the most money in the least amount of time. Call us!
Hi friends,
Our newest listing, 701 Coronado Avenue sold for $10,000 more than list price and closed in just 10 days! We will get you the most money in the least amount of time. Call us!
Written by Emily Heinz on . Posted in DREP's Blog
Tags: city park, colorado, Colorado Homes for Sale, Colorado Real Estate, coronado, Downtown Fort Collins, Downtown Real Estate, Emily Heinz, Fort collins, Fort Collins Homes for Sale, Fort Collins Real Estate, Fort Collins Real Estate Agent, Ft. Collins Realtor, Ft. Collins realty, home value, investment, new listing, new listings, Old Town, Old Town Fort Collins